A seamless interface to connect your payments systems
Everything you need to know to activate your payments solutions securely
Get startedBenefits of using VodaPay | Developer Gateway
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How to put VodaPay | Developer Gateway APIs to work
Check out our step-by-step
process to get started

Integrate to our APIs

Manage your APIs

Secure your APIs

Transact in minutes
Explore solutions
Build, maintain and secure your retail solution from our payment platform in minutes
Quick access to all VodaPay's APIs, tools and expertise.
Browse all APIsHow VodaPay Developer Gateway works
Connecting the moving parts in your payment ecosystem
Get started by following the application, vetting and onboarding process.
Welcome emailer
Once you're an approved merchant, we ensure the communication and access to the necessary APIs for you to get started.
Install and configure
For eCommerce API integration (when developing your own shopping basket and checkout), see the FAQs for both new and existing merchant sites.
Sandbox and UAT environment
Test your payment integration in our Sandbox with virtual test cards, then finalize in UAT with real test cards processed by the bank and 3DSecure.
Production activation
Verify your test transaction scenarios in real time with physical bank test cards i UAT which are isolated from our production environment.
What can we do for your business
Flexible security controls
Feel safe knowing that VodaPay Payment Gateway uses a powerful API gateway to manage cybersecurity risks and help protect your data across multi-cloud environments.
Efficient API development
Build, optimize and scale APIs quickly and easily. Develop APIs declaratively using less code.
Perform at any scale
Manage APIs with robust self-service features that allow developers to quickly implement once-off, recurring, refund payments and digital wallet functionality.
Who do I contact for custom integration support?
The integration team can assist you with integration issues related to the eCommerce API integration where you will be developing your own shopping basket and checkout process. Our advice only applies to the Vodacom Payment Gateway integration and no issues outside of that.
For server/hosting issues: We recommend raising these issues with your hosting company or server administrator.
Why am I getting a response status code 403?
Make sure to use sandbox credentials in sandbox environment, and switch to UAT environment for UAT credentials. Production credentials are only activated once you have completed Sandbox and UAT testing.
Why am I getting a "Test card does not exist" error?
Make sure to use virtual testing cards in sandbox environment, and bank test cards provided by the Integration team in UAT environment.
What if my merchant account is in production and I have a technical issue?
For business enquiries, please call 0800 000 654 or email VPSsupport@xlink.co.za
What is the session timeout period?
The session timeout period is 15 minutes. The payment page will timeout if the customer does not capture their credit card details and perform 3DSecure verification within the above specified time.
What types of integration does VodaPay Developer Gateway support?
API integration and the following plugins are supported:
- Adobe Commerce
- OpenCart
- PrestaShop
- WooCommerce
- ShopStar
Click here to view the plugins listed above. You can access the Shopstar platform directly and install the plugin once you have a merchant account with us.
What if my merchant website is currently in development?
You can still test your Vodacom Payment Gateway integration using our testing credentials. Please click here to test your payment integration.
What information must be on my website before the Payment gateway is finally activated?
Relevant Policies:
- Return, refund, and cancellation policies
- Delivery policy
- Consumer Data Privacy Policy
- Customer service contact details